Enter His Rest—Key Point #2

Key point #2: God still commands us

The idea that God still commands His people has become foreign to many church-goers. It is far easier to think of Him as ‘gently requesting a favour’ from you or me, or Him ‘quietly hoping we would do the right thing’. But such misplaced sentiment is deceptive and deeply dangerous. God is and was and forever will be a consuming fire (Deuteronomy 4:24Hebrews 12:29) in the same way that He was in the Old Testament. Be diligent not to be told otherwise.

That is why you should not summarily accept what I am saying here. Nor should you summarily accept what any other person is saying. Test all things (teaching) by the Word of God and retain what is true. Brother Brilliant Teacher or Father Age-old Oracle may just have it wrong on a key issue. Gladly and thankfully receive teaching from your pastor or priest by also learn to hear God for yourself to know if what was said is accurate.

But, what does this have to do with entering God’s rest? Isn’t God’s rest supposed to mean that everything turns out well for us? Yes, perhaps. But not necessarily.

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