God speaks to us

How do we hear Him speak to us?

If you cannot yet hear God speak to you I believe it is prudent to investigate whether or not you have genuinely been born again and whether or not you have received the Holy Spirit by the laying on of hands (Acts 8:18).

If you are sure that you are genuinely born again and have not merely assumed it on erroneous church doctrine that says anyone who is  baptised into the (Catholic) church is born again, and you still do not hear God, I will recommend that you continue to pray over it and ask God if there is sin in your life, which blocks God’s messages to you. Satan can indeed resist God’s messages to you (Daniel 10:10-14).

Then, I will recommend that you endeavour to do something on God’s behalf where you may not be naturally gifted in. But get serious and find an area where, perhaps, you are  weak. Considering the examples in the Bible of those who pursued God not through their natural talents but through in ways where they were weak (Exodus 4:101 Samuel 16:72 Corinthians 10:102 Corinthians 12:9) this may not be a bad idea (there is precedent also for pursuing God through your strengths, however).

Nevertheless, you may find something radical like preaching on street corners or handing out tracts. Or, it may be something less threatening to your personal reputation (though your reputation may be the very thing you will need to give up) like feeding the poor. Through these actions we allow ourselves to be worked through and worked on by God. He changes us as we are forced to listen out for Him else we get what we’re doing completely wrong. When we serve God through our natural talents we tend to not pay attention to hearing Him that much. And, we tend to create excuses for choosing to serve Him in the areas which are far more fun, like “a ministry amongst business people”. And, we tend to serve our own needs (Luke 14:8). Nevertheless, you may have a genuine heart for business people. God will know it for He knows your heart. If it is that then serve Him by listening to what and how He wants you to behave. He is changing you from inside (Matthew 23:26).

He creates tenderness (humility) for others in our hearts.

By our service we know that it is not the actual service to the local charity or the local religious education organisation per se that saves us. But, what our service tends to do, nevertheless, is to get us to accept our weaknesses and fallibility, and to get us to listen carefully to what God is saying to us lest we fail. It gets us to hear His Spirit and to obey His commandment to our heart. It gets us to enter His rest.

If we think God only speaks to us occasionally then we are deeply mistaken. He speaks to us all the time, if only we would take the time to listen (Romans 8:13).

And, if we listen, and when we hear Him and do what He says, His Word cleans us. His Word sanctifies us.

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